What’s wrong with the black woman’s hair?

What Is Wrong With The Black Woman’s Hair?
By Louise Fleary
(Part of this article was taken from the book From Niggas to Gods Pt 1)

The only thing wrong with our hair is our attitude towards it. Somewhere along the line we have been taught self-hate rather than self-love. If we want to use history as a yardstick then we could safely say an escalation of this self-hate happened during slavery, although I believe ‘white supremacy’ was brewing well before this period in history. Our people were directly and indirectly taught to hate their natural black selves. Black is bad! Wear white to weddings and black to funerals! Devil’s food cake is black and angel’s food cake is white! If I know something bad about you, I could blackmail you! You can tell a little white lie, but you better not tell a big bold black lie!

Our people were (and still are) conditioned to hate everything about themselves that is natural and black. We hate our black beauty because we were taught to define our own beauty according to these white, Anglo, Caucasoid, European, Westernized, beauty standards. So this means anything less than ‘blue eyes and straight hair’ is considered less than beautiful. The further you get from ‘blonde hair’ and ‘blue eyes’ the uglier you get. This is what we were taught. This means that if you’ve got black eyes, black hair and black skin, you are the ugliest thing on the planet! Well if this is true, why are white folks laying out in the middle of the sun, trying to get their skin darker, when they ain’t gonna get nothing but skin cancer?

Your blackness is hated around the world, but most of all it is hated by you. You want blue contact lenses and straight hair (preferably blonde), so you can look more like the blue-eyed people that hung your black ass from a tree! You want light skin so that you can look more like the people who murdered hundreds of millions of your black ancestors and dumped them into the Atlantic Ocean between Africa and America! We want straight long hair like a white woman, even though she was the one left horny and lonely, while her own savage white husband was in the slave quarters raping one of his black nappy-haired slaves. Think of it like this, if somebody raped you tonight and they had on a ‘red jumper’, would you go out tomorrow and purchase a whole wardrobe full of ‘red jumpers’ to look just like the person that raped you? Hell no! You wouldn’t do such a crazy thing. So why then do we bend over backwards to look like the people who have historically murdered and raped our foremothers and continuously rape our motherland of all its mineral riches?

Yes, I’m talking to us sisters (I include myself in all that I say). We cannot blame ourselves for our ignorance of the past, but now that we’re beginning to know the truth, let the truth make us free! Why do we still feel the need to continuously burn our scalp? Why do we keep drying our hair? Why do we keep bleaching or dying our hair? Why do we continue to put harmful chemicals (that’s right, I said harmful) in our scalp, whiles knowing all the time that our scalp has pores? Have we ever stopped to think for a second that these chemicals can get into our pores and therefore into our system? If they do, then what vital body organ might chemicals get into? Could they affect the brain for instance and the blood system? Have we ever thought about this? Have we ever thought about the reasons that doctors tell us not to put of our child, would it be logical to assume that those same chemicals could affect our health? Think about it. That’s all I ask.

All of us sister’s running around with these ‘temporary’ permanents in our head. Our straight hair is ‘temporary’ but we are ‘permanently broke’ because we are trying to get our hair fixed every two weeks, as if it was broken in the first place! What if white women started spending all their money trying to get braids, locks, twists, or just basic naps, because they wanted to look more like you and me? Wouldn’t we look at them as if they were crazy? So my dear sister’s, please be your black self and keep your natural black beauty. God didn’t make a mistake. God didn’t make a mistake when making our strong, bold and beautiful naps, as opposed to weak, limp and lifeless strands of hair. Your creator made your beauty naturally unique! Your creator wanted your black beauty to strand out amongst the peoples of the world. We are the only people of the human family that have the hair we have. We’re the only ones with that kinky, nappy type. Think about that!

Just dropping bombs, anyone disagree, wave your arms!

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